Trouble Adjusting To An Overseas Placement?

Whether you are having trouble communicating abroad or feel the culture gap is too broad, we have your back.

Angelie Joshi

Digital Marketing Team

What will we Cover?

  • Overcoming homesickness
  • Are you having trouble adjusting to your overseas placement?
  • New places, new faces: Guide to socialising in a new environment
  • Travelling alone tips
  • Taking a ‘me’ day to take care of yourself
  • Fantastic local food guide

We understand that you will be struggling to adjust not only to your overseas placement as well as the new country, which this opportunity has been granted to you, be it that you are not able to communicate or even grasp the local culture it can be difficult...This can affect you in a number of different ways; it could be either emotionally, physically or even spiritually or even all three. The best thing for you to do is to take a deep breath in then out, there will be someone that will be able to help you communicate with the changes in your working life and the local community you are working within.

The best way to start socializing with new people is to have confidence in yourself and in your ability to do the job, the rest will come naturally over time when they start seeing what you are capable of doing. You have just got to believe that you belong there and nothing is going to stop you from achieving what goals you have set out for yourself. If you feel like taking a “me” day is worth it then go ahead and do it! If you feel like this is needed to help you find the reset button inside of you, this will be the fuel to the fire that you need to not only break that barrier but shatter it into little pieces, this would then start the process of communication.

Communicating to people you are working with is the starting point on how you are finding your feet in your placement, the best way to keep you in that spot is to just be yourself, travelling and living in a different country can be difficult, we know and understand that you possibly will be scared, nervous or even timid about the idea of travelling alone to another country, but there will be others that are confident, self-motivated and even with a smile on their face.

Travelling alone is not that you are on your own but are taking an opportunity with open arms and a clear mind. Yes, it will only be you travelling there physically and emotionally as there will be others in a similar position as you. Always remember this is your biggest opportunity to date, not only that but you are going to show everyone that you are the best for this position, we know that you will be out of your comfort zone, for some of you as that might be that you have not been to another country before let alone working in another country, we know one way which could be considered to break the ice is to try the local food, culture and local surroundings, YOU MAY JUST ENJOY IT.

As you are making new friends and communicating with the local residents this will hopefully help you overcome your homesickness by finding out interesting facts about the country you are visiting for your placement. Hopefully, these facts will help you settle into your new working environment.