Looking for an Overseas Placement?

A kickstart guide to prepare you, with a number of helpful tips and resources to motivate you onto the next chapter of your life.

Angelie Joshi

Digital Marketing Team

What will we cover?

  • What to pack
  • The advantages of an overseas placement
  • What papers / documentation to bring
  • Pen pals or communities to get in touch with
  • 5 things to know before studying abroad

Have you packed everything to start studying abroad?

If you're about to start a new adventure studying abroad, then you're probably wondering what you need to pack. We have an essential need to pack, checklist for all you potential overseas students. Let’s get right to it, shall we?

What about Finances?

Before you pack your things or even complete filling out your visa applications, you must make sure you have enough finances to fund your placement overseas. You should think about creating a budget for the cost of your visa application, travel essentials, travel insurance, plane ticket, housing, transportation and any other expenses to sustain yourself living in a different country for a month or two. Remember you don’t get your paycheck until the end of the first month, but don’t worry and stress alone, talk to one of our experts on Vasave overseas placement. We can advise you on how to manage and budget your finances so you don’t get overwhelmed.

Of course the clothing!

Now we know that you would need to pack specific clothes depending on what country you chose to study in, but some essential outfits for any country should be; 2 to 3 smart casual outfits. This is because you never know if you’d need to dress to impress on the fly, but we also understand you don’t want to spend the day in tight uncomfortable clothes either, so you can never go wrong in a smart-casual outfit. 1 Very formal office wear outfit to impress potential job opportunities, influential people and interviews, as they say, dress to impress. Most importantly a very comfortable outfit for flying. If you didn’t already consider it, it may be a long flight. You will surely need comfy clothing to get comfortable enough to sleep through it. We would recommend jogging bottoms and oversized hoodies as they are the softest material to be able to sleep in.

Documents and Identification to Bring

We know this shouldn’t be something we’d have to remind you to take but we suggest maybe creating a mini checklist for the day you travel so that you can check off on having all the important papers, itineraries and Visa applications with you before you enter the airport. It doesn’t hurt to check once, twice, maybe three times for good measure.

Will there be a culture shock when arriving?

It’s best to find out as much information on what the course is about as possible before you apply. Though you should also prepare yourself as best you can, for the culture shock when you move to a new country. You will experience new and fantastic things, though it could be a good idea to study up on the local culture first. We recommend finding out where you're going to stay and using Google maps to mark where you could socialise, cinemas, restaurants, libraries and communities you could join when you get there. You could also study up on the language with helpful apps like Duolingo or Rosetta stone programs.

Be connected!

We’d like to remind you to have fun and enjoy learning as much as possible in a different environment. However, we know it could be isolating and lonesome sometimes. We know you could text or facetime your friend and family back home with your phone, though that could cost you a lot on your phone bill. So we suggest using WhatsApp and skype as they are free to use and you can talk as much as you'd like and it is a great way to stay in touch.

We also recommended finding relatable communities in your area and joining them just to start making friends. You are not obligated to stay in the community if you don’t like it and can try joining as many as you’d like until you find the right one. You should also get in touch with fellow students in placements from work, by looking up fellow local employees on our social media accounts and LinkedIn profiles. As it could be easier to bond over the fact you are all on overseas placement courses together. This could motivate you in your studies as well as your life socially.

Have a safe flight and enjoy!